Wanted: One Rockstar “Integrator” To Help Our Business Scale

If you are a detail oriented Integrator who loves building systems, solving complex problems and thriving in chaos, I’ve got a unique opportunity for you…We are a publishing company working with thought leaders in the relationship space. (TheArtOfLove.com)We work with teachers like RisingWoman.com, Kenneth Play, Annie Lalla, Jon and Missy Butcher and more.  We are on a mission to help couples fight less, love more and create more fulfilling relationships.  I’m looking for someone to be my right hand ‘Integrator’ to help us scale strategically and efficiently.  This role is part online business manager, part executive assistant, and part creative-problem-solving-superhero.If that sounds interesting, here’s exactly who we are looking for.  About You:

  • You love building systems and you know how to make a business run like a well oiled machine.  
  • You are versatile, flexible and thrive when you have multiple challenges to solve at the same time.  
  • You love leading teams, holding people accountable and keeping people in alignment as we go after big goals together.
  • You are extremely detail oriented.  
  • You have countless checklists and spreadsheets that run your life.  Your calendar is color coded.  Your days are designed to create maximum effectiveness.  
  • You can’t stand when things are out of place, unorganized or inefficient.  
  • You are self motivated, driven and proactively make everything around you better.  
  • You probably annoyed people when you were a kid for being so organized with your room, your desk, and your planners.   :P


  • You have grown, led or operated a business over 7 figures in revenue.
  • You’ve managed teams of 3-7 people to achieve goals in a tight timeline.
  • You’ve worked closely with an entrepreneur before, and you know what a challenge we can be. ;)
  • You are passionate about love and relationships.  

If that sounds like you and you want to learn more, please send me an email.   Share your resume, if you have one.  Tell me about your past roles you’ve had, what you’ve accomplished in them and why this opportunity is uniquely interesting to you.  If it’s a good fit, we’ll schedule some time to chat. With love,

Hear What Others Have Said...
"One of the best books I’ve ever read on men’s emotional health and development."
-- Mark Manson (Author of The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck)
“I have read every self-help book out there, but this was the first that put everything together in a way that made perfect sense to me.”
-- Amazon Review
Quiz: Discover Your NG Syndrome Type
Discover what type of Nice Guy Syndrome you got, and how to immediately fix it.